Best Blogs For Seniors in 2021
Seniors get their information from many different places. Most seniors get that information from traditional outlets, the local newspaper, television stations or local radio. If older adults limit their information intake to these traditional sources, they might be missing out on a vast amount of varied content on numerous subjects. One of the best ways to broaden your knowledge of senior issues is to read weblogs, now more commonly known as blogs.
General Senior Blogs
There are hundreds of Senior Living providers across the United States, and most of them generate content that is specifically for and targeted to older adults, adult children, and seniors. These blogs create articles with information that is written for and about issues that directly impact the 55+ community.
Sunrise Senior Living
After you visit the Ridgeline Management blog, we can also recommend one of our competitors, Sunrise Senior Living. A true pioneer in the industry, Sunrise has been providing senior living in the United States for over 40 years. Over the years they have consistently been on the forefront of the senior living industry advocating for senior rights, and improving upon our product year over year.
Senior Planet
Senior Planet is a website run by AARP, and is full of a wide variety of information expressly for seniors. One of the real advantages of Senior Planet is that they host free online videos and classes with topics ranging from numerous exercise classes to “Finding Purpose, Wellness, and Community After 60”. Senior Planet regularly streams online events that can be joined from anywhere in the world.
Blog For Senior Women
While most blogs are pretty broad based, there are several that focus on a specific segment of the senior population. These two focus specifically on women and their aging process.
Elder Chicks
“We are part of the fastest growing part of the population: senior women in their retirement years. Senior women living in a world most of our mothers and grandmothers didn’t imagine, let alone inhabit. Share your story and join the conversation.” This interactive blog asks for senior women to add their voice to the conversation!
Women's Older Wisdom
This women’s blog is “bucking the current trend where blogs for older women consist largely of fashion and beauty tips” and instead tackles the real issues for older women like “sex after 60, combatting loneliness, making peace with troublesome relatives, the new grandmother, solo travel, fueling creative juices, living with aches and pains, and finding spiritual meaning”.
Blog For Senior Men
Just as there are specific blogs for women, there are blogs written by and for just men. Here are two of the blogs that are the most popular.
Take It Easy
Senior blogs don’t have to be all about aging and health, some of these blogs look back at the past and comment on it. Whether it’s looking back, fondly at the 1980’s or reminiscing about the 20 year anniversary of 9/11, the Take it Easy blog looks at past events through a more aged eye and perspective.
Men Alive
Men Alive is actually a men’s health website that has a specific blog page. Some of the topics include: Happiness in your later years, Coronavirus, and Prostate Health. These wide ranging topics are sure to keep you informed and entertained.
Senior Health Blogs
The most popular and abundant type of blog for seniors is typically based around senior health topics. Senior health topics can range from eating healthy to living with osteoporosis. You can receive information in pamphlets or lectures, but mostly these blogs present the information in an easily understood and digestible format that some seniors prefer.
Everyday Health
“From the latest senior health news, treatments and therapies, inspiring patient stories, to expert advice, we're here to help you live your healthiest life every day.” The top read articles include topics on how to increase the number of fruits and vegetables in your diet and which medical alert systems are the best for you. One of the perks of this blog include subscribing to a newsletter that they will email you with new information as it’s released!
My Senior Health Plan
My Senior Health Plan is less commentary, less entertainment, and just hard facts about the health issues that seniors repeatedly live with. Their topics include: Finance & Planning, Fitness, Health Conditions, Memory Care, Nutrition, Senior Health & Wellness, Senior Health Insurance, Senior Technology, and Senior Travel.
Ridgeline Management Blog
One of the reasons that Ridgeline Management created our blog is to inform the seniors of America on topics that are of specific interest to them. Ridgeline wants to be able to provide care and comfort to all seniors through direct acts while living here all the way to providing useful information before you even consider a move. The more information that any senior possesses allows them to make better decisions about their life!